Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Update on Paseo Artist Awards Paper Flower Project

I just returned home from a wonderful experience! I'll be spending my afternoon studying because I leave on Friday for my East Coast Study Tour and I have to prepare! But before I get started on that, I thought that I would give an update on the experience of working with those awesome 6th graders from Edgemere Elementary School.  We made the paper flowers last week and today we had so much fun delivering them to the Paseo! We also had the pleasure of eating at Sauced and visiting a couple of galleries.  Their brilliant teacher, Nikki Coshow, organized today's events as a reward for the kids and as an opportunity to get the kids down to Paseo so they could see what their creations were benefiting.  Here are some images of the process and today's fun! (Side note: All of the kids' parents signed releases so it's ok that their pictures are posted here.)

The following images were taken while the kids were creating the flowers.  They were the most polite, kind, sweet and caring kids. (They reminded me of the kids from Lakeview!) What an honor it was to work with them! They made over 100 flowers for the Paseo Artist Awards! While we were working, we had many opportunities for math problems, so when the teacher asked the class how long it would have taken me to make all the flowers by myself and they came up with the answer of 2 days, I was extra grateful for their help! 

Creation Day in the Classroom!

Delivery Day was today and the kids kept their same sweet disposition so it was fun to take them into the different galleries and to Sauced.  They totally deserved the reward!

Jo was as excited as I am! 

Colin Rosebrook of Paseo Pottery made all of the vases for the centerpieces so it was great for the kids to get to see them, even before the glaze was added and the firing took place.

Colin is a great man.  He was so kind to the kids!

Time for Sauced!!!

Thank you Mrs. Coshow's class. You were so much fun to work with and I appreciate how kind you were to me, your teacher and to each other. So glad I got to work with you!

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