Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School Days

Today is my first day of school for my last year of college (at least that's probably what my dad hopes! Ha!) I was finally watching some TED talks this morning that a friend, Genevieve Santos, suggested I check out and thought that in honor of going to class, I would post one of the shorter videos. It really spoke to me. For the past 22 years I have either been in college or involved in education in some way. And if you think about it, we've all been students for as long as we've been alive.

One of the most important lessons in life is...wait for it, wait for it...delayed gratification. Sure I would like to have my masters degree behind me and all of the stress that this next year will bring with it, but then I would have missed all of the learning, and isn't that the point? I don't want to miss one minute of class or learning how to write my thesis. And there are other things that I would like to have in my life, but I truly believe that I already have everything I need and more. There's no reason to believe that the future will be any different. And if we can teach kids this lesson they will be so much better prepared for life. I wish I would have learned (really learned) this lesson much earlier, but you know we're all on a journey and we learn things at different times. That way we can learn from each other.

So check out this hilarious and very educational talk. It can speak to you!

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