Monday, August 29, 2011


Today I realized the benefits of working on myself and building the confidence that I've written about so much this summer.  I've been putting off something that needed to be done because I was worried about the reactions of a certain group of people.  I won't go into too much detail but I'll say that I have finally reached a point where I trust myself and my gut instinct when it comes to building this business.

I know that it could be very easy to get ahead of ourselves and jump over a few things that are vitally important and I don't want to do that, but I've had a tendency my whole life to be a people pleaser and that can mean trouble when staying true to yourself and your own dreams. I was giving in when I should have been sticking to my guns.  What I have realized this summer is that when you aren't true to yourself, you experience major blocks.  That definitely happened to me. I thought that by this time, we would have our board formed and  our nonprofit paperwork filled out and sent in, but I spent so much time thinking I should be doing something yet feeling like I should be doing the opposite that I just got stuck.  I know that all the self-searching was for good reason.  I'm positive that it was something that I needed to go through in order to learn these important lessons. And I definitely needed to learn them now versus down the road. The price tag is so much less now than it will be once sixtwelve is up and running.

So today I took an action and sent a message.  I stood up for myself, but not in a fighting way.  I just explained my point of view and perspective on things.  I'm happy to report that a few people in the group were very receptive.  In fact, they were supportive.  I think it just proves the point that when you are confident, others will be confident in you.  It doesn't hurt that these people are rational and kind, but I'm still grateful nonetheless.

I feel so much better about everything now that I have said what I believe and feel is best for 612.  I also know that this ability will come in handy as we're making decisions, asking people to donate resources, and as I am learning how best to motivate people.  I am working hard on myself so I'll have more to give as a leader.

So now it's time to get down to business!!!! We're back on track and I'm excited about getting things done!

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