Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Work vs. Family

Yesterday, I returned to SixTwelve for the first time since I left for a Florida adventure. I spent two weeks with my family and I loved every second of it. Family is more important to me than anything. ANYTHING. I know at the end of my life, and especially at the end of the lives of those I love, I will not be sitting there wishing that I had spent more time on SixTwelve or any other job I've held. As much as I love and am passionate about this project, nothing compares to the importance of my family.

In many ways, I believe that it's the time I've had with my family that has made me who I am and helped me to have so much to give to this project. Plus, I just love them. Ironically, I think that working on this project has helped me to love them and all of my friends in a much healthier and complete way. I'm a blessed lady to have such a great amount of goodness on both the professional and personal sides of my life.

Having said all of that... I missed SixTwelve while I was gone. I had a tiny bit of a hard time not being here to watch my "baby" grow and change. I had no doubt that James and John and all of the incredible people we have working at the building could handle the work. They are doing such a great job and I am definitely not qualified to even critique. I just love being able to see every single step of progress.

I realized through this valuable experience that I will be the only person who can keep the correct balance between work and family/personal life. I will be the only person who can choose to worry or let it go. I have to say I did a pretty good job of letting it go. I decided to live it up and enjoy the time I had with them. And when I returned, I found everything going so well. It was fun to see the progress that took days and days to accomplish in one viewing!

I'm so glad I went to Florida. I wouldn't trade anything for the time I had with my mom, dad, Jenny, Sam and Gaius. And to Tom and Camille, I know a time will come when you can be there too. Love you all.

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