Saturday, February 6, 2010

First Shots!

Yesterday after work, I met James and Ed Nguyen at the building. Ed is a friend of ours who is an awesome photographer and he took some still shots for documenting purposes. We'll use the photographs for the Historic Preservation and Landmark commission requirements and for the before and after shots of the project.

While Ed was taking shots, James and I walked through the building for the first time since we bought it. It was so exciting getting to talk about how we wanted to lay out the space and how we want things to be. I can't wait for the work and progress to get started, which should be in about three weeks!

James has been looking into the idea of having a green space on the roof and I would love that! I can't believe how lucky we are to have the building we wanted and to be able to do so many cool things with it! It's going to be the most awesome building in OKC!

I'll post images of the shots when we get them from Ed.

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